Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

My Favorite! Piyo-piyo :)

Ini nih deskripsinya Piyo-piyo tp dalam Bahasa Inggris yaaa.. 

Piyo Piyo, a cartoon chick/duck, was born in 1991, and currently there are a lot of different merchandise with the Piyo Piyo logo in the market. As for whether Piyo Piyo is a duck or a chick..., I do not know the answer. Actually, Piyo Piyo look like a chick overall but it has a round bleak like a duck instead of a sharp bleak. However, Piyo Piyo is known as the 'Little Yellow Duck' in Chinese.

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

IM3 BLog Competition

Hmm.. tanggal 17 Desember 2010 kemarin, aku n temen" dapet undangan buat Pelatihan Blog..
sekalyn dC pembagian Hadiah buat Pemenang Lomba BloG (IM3) Regional Kalimantan Tengah..
Alhamdullih, ayie dapat juara II hadiah'na Handphone Lhoo..
hahahayy bahgia'na..
lumayan u/ memotivasi n berinovasi lagi bwt perbaikan ne Blog..
Tpi yg dsayangkan, gag da dokumen pribadi bwt Foto" Penyerahan hadiah..

buat Blogger yg Lain, terus berkarya yaa,, terus berinovasi n mmbuat tampilan Blog'na lebih baik lagii.. :)